Monday, January 16, 2012

Back to Instant Coffee

There’s nothing like the taste of brewed coffee.  I don’t drink it, though, like the “real” coffee drinkers do.  They drink it black, so that they can really taste the freshness of the ground coffee beans.  But I enjoy drinking a freshly brewed cup.  It’s really different.

That’s why I was so excited when my two sisters gave me coffee for Christmas.  One was Japanese “Drip On” coffee.  You open the sachet and out comes something that looks like a tea bag, but with ground coffee inside.  You place the contraption on top of the mug and you pour water on the bag, and it drips down into the mug for a fresh cup of coffee.

My other sister got me a one cup brewer, together with 18 days old coffee beans.  Haven’t tried it yet because I want to finish the Japanese coffee first.  But it’s next in line, and I’m excited to try it.

But it’s funny how recently I’ve been looking for the taste of Nescafe’ Classic instant coffee.  I know true coffee drinkers will be ridiculing me and telling me off that instant coffee is not real coffee.  But, for some reason, I was looking for the usual taste of Nescafe’ classic again.  Because of all the stock of brewed coffee I had at home, plus the convenience of having a coffee presser, I stopped buying instant coffee.  Even before my sisters gave me coffee for Christmas someone had given me a bag of Starbucks coffee!  And so I finished that first, then started with the Japanese coffee, while the 18 days ground coffee is waiting for me to taste it.  But honestly, my tongue was looking for Nescafe’.

And so I bought a pack this afternoon from the supermarket.  As I was preparing a cup after dinner, I asked myself if it was the convenience of it being instant, or the taste, that brought me back to Nescafe’.  My answer – the taste.  I was just longing for the taste of Nescafe’ that I have been so used to, that I have been drinking ever since I started drinking coffee.

You see from time in memorial Nescafe’ has been the coffee served in our family house.  My parents drank Nescafe’ every morning.  My first cup of coffee was Nescafe’.  Of course having brewed coffee was always a treat, and enjoyable.  But Nescafe’ was always there.  I think I have gotten so used to it, that my taste buds eventually long for it.  I guess when you’ve tasted and enjoyed something for so long, you just have to go back to it.  So, for the meantime, it’s back to Nescafe’.  The ground coffee will just have to wait.

Psalm 34:8  Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.

It’s interesting how God described our experiencing Him as tasting.  God cannot just be a concept, a theology, or a belief in our minds and hearts.  He has to be Someone we taste, someone we experience.  As the psalmist says in Psalm 34:8 – Taste and see that the Lord is good!

But tasting God’s goodness takes a step of faith.  We need to set aside all other things, or other sources, of goodness, of pleasure, and allow our lives to have a taste of what God can do.  It takes a step of faith to believe that God is alive, and that He can really satisfy as much as He says He can.

John 4:13  Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again,
John 4:14  but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

In this passage it’s about drinking, about quenching thirst.  When we drink the water the world offers us, it doesn’t really quench our thirst, does it?  It just moves us to have more.  And we end up dissatisfied.

But the water God gives us truly satisfies.  It’s a water that wells up to eternal life.  And it’s a water that quenches the thirst of our hearts, not our flesh.  That’s why it truly satisfies – because when the heart is satisfied, nothing that the body looks for matters anymore.

Oh to have a taste of the love, the thirst-quenching life of the Lord, poured out in the cross of Calvary when He died for our sins, and continuing today because He has risen from the dead!  Oh, to enjoy His ever satisfying grace, love and faithfulness…just like my instant coffee.  And even more.

Isaiah 45:22  "Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.”

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