Reminds me of the Christian life. The Lord also warned us about keeping two kinds of lives. It's just impossible.
Mat 6:24 "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.
As Bob Dylan sang "you gotta serve somebody"...and for Christians it's got to be the Lord.
Luke 10:41 "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things,
Luke 10:42 but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."
Martha wanted to have the best of both worlds - preparing and enjoying the presence of God. She later learned that when you choose to do one you sacrifice the other. Jesus said only one thing is needed, and that was enjoying the presence of the Lord.
I'm glad, by God's grace, He lead me to follow Him. And I trust in no one else but Him to keep me there.
I remember the story about Luciano Pavarotti, when he was trying to decide whether he would be a teacher or an opera singer. His father told him "you cannot sit in between two chairs, for eventually you will fall. Choose one chair". For a Christian this is not even a choice - it's a call. By grace we are lead to the forgiveness and life of our Savior. But in our everyday walk the pull to follow the world is still strong. Eventually we will have to choose - God or the world...His way or sin. Praise God He has given us the grace and strength to choose Him.
I remember the story about Luciano Pavarotti, when he was trying to decide whether he would be a teacher or an opera singer. His father told him "you cannot sit in between two chairs, for eventually you will fall. Choose one chair". For a Christian this is not even a choice - it's a call. By grace we are lead to the forgiveness and life of our Savior. But in our everyday walk the pull to follow the world is still strong. Eventually we will have to choose - God or the world...His way or sin. Praise God He has given us the grace and strength to choose Him.
But I still have to decide - Blogger or Wordpress? Maybe I'll keep both. Decision to be shared soon!
God bless you all.
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