Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Like a Pro

I just read an article about how Kobe Bryant reacted after he was benched by Coach Mike Brown. Kobe has been known to shoot his mouth off and just criticize decisions of past coaches and players. But this time it was different. The article is found here: http://mobile.latimes.com/p.p?a=rp&m=b&_fromSocial=1&postUserId=7&postId=1861325

Here’s an excerpt of the article: “There's also no Kobe moaning or groaning; instead I'm getting this guy who sounds like a pro while only stating the obvious.
"It's his decision to make," Bryant says of Brown. "If you guys are looking for a story, I'm not going to contribute to it. I can't sit here and criticize the decision. As leader of this ball club, it's something I can't afford to do. I've got to have his back."”

Now that’s a professional player. Oh he may be upset at being benched by the coach, but there’s no verbal complaining or criticizing. I like what Kobe said – as leader of this ball club…I’ve got to have his back. Now that’s being professional – knowing that you are there for others, and not the other way around.

Philippians 2:14 Do everything without complaining or arguing,
There’s more to circumstances than just our good. Maybe we’re in a circumstance where we’re supposed to give, not receive. Maybe we’re the ones supposed to learn, and not teach. Maybe we’re the ones who are meant to lose, not win.

And most especially with God. How quick we are to complain and argue with the Lord as to what He allows to come upon our life. But who are we to argue with a holy, wise and loving God? Who are we to tell God “you might be wrong Lord”?. Are we not just supposed to submit ourselves to a higher will, a higher purpose for us, instead of insisting on what we think is right for us?

Luke 22:41 He withdrew about a stone's throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed,
Luke 22:42 "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done."

It’s nice to see our Lord being really human at this point. He was about to die, and being human it was something He did not want. He actually prayed that if possible His Father would change the course and take Him away from the cross. But look at the submission – yet not my will, but Yours be done.

If reporters saw and heard Him pray, they would have commended our Lord for His “pro” attitude. He didn’t complain or argue. He didn’t turn His back and go His own way. He willingly submitted to the will of His Father.

In a world where nothing is certain, and where bad things do happen (this was foretold by the Lord in John 16:33. Have a look), we need to be able to stand firm and strong, defending and glorifying our God who we believe is the best, the wisest and the most loving in this world, no matter what He sovereignly allows to come our way. We need to be able to tell the Lord “I have your back, Lord. I’ll glorify You and show others that You are always good, and always right, no matter what”.  Of course God doesn't really need us to defend Him...it's just our way of saying - I'm yours Lord, I'm with You, no matter what.

Just like a pro.

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