I was writing in my other blog about backsliding (a topic I am very familiar with since I was a former “backslider”), and I remembered my own experience of backsliding from the Lord.
Years ago, when I was in college, someone shared to me the “gospel”. At that time my understanding of the gospel was the message given during the Mass. But I heard a different kind of news – good news. It told me of who I was, a sinner, whose life was separated from God because of my evil deeds. But it taught me about a Savior, of what He did to save me from that state. He died for me, took the punishment that was meant for me because I was a sinner, and paid the price for me. I remember telling myself “why didn’t anyone tell me about that”. And when I was invited to receive that message for myself I did, I prayed, and things started to change.
I started attending bible studies, and then slowly began to attend a Christian church. I started to learn what the Bible taught about who the Lord was, what He promised for us, and how He was a prayer answering God. I was slowly growing in my new found Christian life.
A few months into my new Christian life I got to like a girl. I started courting her. And after a few weeks I was going to go for it – I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend! And so, as every “born again” Christian would do, I prayed. I prayed seriously, sincerely, in Jesus name even, that God would move her heart and have her answer me with a great, big, “YES”! I was excited. I went to her house…popped the question…and she answered “no”.
I was shocked. I went out of her house wondering why God did not answer my prayer! I was fuming mad! I thought that God answered prayer? My request was simple. Couldn’t God have just moved her heart to answer me? And so, right at that moment, I turned my back on God. He did not give me what I wanted, and so I did not give Him what He wanted – Myself. And so I backslid. I drank more, took more drugs, enjoyed life more. I was on my own. Oh sure, I still believed in God, but He was just there…useless. If He couldn’t answer my prayer of what use was He to me?
That was my concept of God – that He had to answer my prayer. That He was there at my beck and call. Prayer was my tool, my magic potion, to get Him to do what I wanted Him to do. And when the potion did not work, all I had to do was throw it away, and look for another one.
For those of you who have backslid, or maybe you’re still a backslider, have you ever noticed that the reason I had for backsliding is the same reason that most of us have for backsliding – God not answering our prayer, or not allowing things to go our way. When God does not give us what we want we take it against Him, we feel He is unfair, and we turn our backs on Him. Oh it may be as simple as my request, or it may be as major as keeping someone alive, or stopping our business from failing, or maybe keeping a job. And when He doesn’t answer as we want Him to, we just throw Him away, and we go back to our own way.
What I did not realize was that I had made myself an image of God according to my imagination, according to what I wanted Him to be, rather than who He was. The god I wanted was for my pleasure, to do as I desired. And if I just offer the right sacrifices, the right prayer, He will do that for me. Many today worship a god of their imagination, of their liking, rather than really bowing down and worshipping the God of who He is. It was only later on that I realized that I had it all wrong, and that I was there for Him, not the other way around.
We live for ourselves. It doesn’t matter what other people think, and it doesn’t even matter what God thinks. I do what I want to do. This is what characterizes the life that all of us live.
2 Corinthians 5:15 And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again.
Jesus gave His life for us, not so that we could get all that we wanted, but so that He could get all of us. He saved us from the hold of sin, to bring us to His hold of freedom, a freedom to enjoy His life.
When we live for God, I mean REALLY live for God, it does not matter whether or not He does answer our prayer, or whether our desires are met or not, or whether things go our way or not. What matters is we know He is with us, that He holds our life, and that we have eternity assured for us because He paid the price for our sins through His dying for us. That’s what really matters.
But you know what’s great? He does answer prayer. He may sometimes answer “no”, or “wait”, but He does. And it’s the knowing He hears, and cares, that really satisfies. And, yes, He does meet our desires. They may come in different packaging, and He may even change one or more of our desires, but He does. He is here to satisfy. But God doesn’t want us living for what He does. He wants us living for Him…period. Just Him.
It took around 5 years of a backslidden life for me to realize that – it was all about Him. After turning my back on Him, He never turned His back on me. He looked for me, even when I was not looking for Him. And eventually He brought me back. But by that time He made sure that I understood why He brought me back. It was all for Him, not for me.
God took away the self-centeredness and began to build and mature my God-centeredness. And He is still building; and I may be maturing but I cannot claim to be mature. He is still working in me. But He has made it clear – that I am here for Him, not Him for me. The world does not revolve around me, it revolves around Him. He reminded me, and continues to remind me, that I live for Him who died for me, who gave His life for my sake. And that is something I am willing to do, wholeheartedly, by His grace and strength.
2 Corinthians 5:15 And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again.
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