Friday, December 3, 2010

Coffee anyone?

I won't take credit for the title of this new blog.  My older sister actually came up with the term every time me and my siblings would sit down over a cup of coffee and discuss matters about the family, our personal lives, and whatever topic would come out.  So, thanks to my sister for coming up with this title, which I will borrow for this new blog I'm starting.  Actually this is not really a new blog for me, at least with regards to my writing about personal experiences and lessons I learn from the Lord.  My former personal blog used to be "A Ray of Light", but I decided to change the name and theme to make it a little more personal and open.  So, to my former followers - there were about 2 or 3 of them, I hope you continue following my journey with the Lord through "Coffee Confessions".

For me there's something about coffee that seems to open up the mind, the heart even.  When I need to think, ponder upon something, or work on something I usually have a cup of coffee beside me.  A cup of coffee with a friend, or when discussing church or personal matters with someone, is always better with coffee.  It has a way of breaking barriers, allowing us to open up to one another.

That's what I want this blog to be - a way for me to open up with you my personal experiences and lessons that I learn from the Lord and His dealings with me, as if I'm having a cup of coffee with you guys.  And I pray that He may use these experiences to encourage you to continue in your walk with the Lord, or maybe even open up a new relationship with you and God.

1 John 1:3 (NIV)
3 We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

  1. ayan, I followed you publicly para officially you have two followers. :D (Good news, the Lord has lead us to a new church and it is just local, very near where we live. On our first Sunday attending the message was the "gift of endurance".)
