Monday, April 15, 2019

A Much Needed Downpour

Our kalamansi shrub has been quite dry the past weeks of scorching heat supposedly because of the El Nino.  Then one day it rained so hard for a few hours, so hard that it flooded a lot of our streets causing traffic jams.  A few days after I went out and, lo and behold, this was what I saw:

I’m not sure if you can see it in the picture, but all of a sudden white flowers start budding, opening up!  All the dry shrub needed was enough water for it to seep in to bring out the flowers that will eventually end up into fruit in the end.

We all need that “downpour” during dry moments in our life.  I experience that a lot, believe it or not.  Many people look at pastors or Christian workers as “supermen” who are probably so strong in the Lord that they never experience dry moments.  Well, we’re human beings, just like each one of you reading this.  And like the rest we experience those “dry” moments in our life, when things get monotonous, there seems to be no joy, no inspiration, no zest or drive for going through a day.

Then, the downpour we so much need comes.  It’s a downpour that doesn’t come from the world, but from the One who alone can provide a “rain” of water that refreshes us and keeps us going.  That’s how faithful and loving our God is.  Though He sees us going through dry spells, He will be faithful and gracious to pour out living water on us again, so that we will be refreshed.  All we need to do is remain, rooted to Him, just like the kalamansi shrub that just stays in the ground waiting for the much needed rain to come.  We need to, as our Lord Himself taught us - “remain in the vine”, and the fruit will come out.
And it begins with the flowers.  What’s a Christian life without flowers.  And only living water from our God can refresh us enough to bring back those flowers in our life.

John 4:13-14 (NASB)
13Jesus answered and said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; 14but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.”

No matter how we feel, or what we’re going through, we need to hold on to the truth that the Giver of Living Water, who holds our life, will refresh us again.  We just have to keep on, hold on, seek Him, and trust. Let God bring the flowers back to our day by day walk with Him