A few weeks ago it just so happened that we had a discipleship group gathering in the East View Hotel. As we checked the menu to our surprise the burger was there. We noticed though that there were two menus that they gave out, one was more for drinks and snacks, and the other one for meals. And that's where we felt the rumor came, because if you had the menu for snacks and drinks you would not see the burger offered there. So, just to check, we (four of us) ordered the hamburger. And, behold, it was the same one, with the same taste! I couldn't wait to tell my son about the good news.
The Sunday after I told him that the burger was still there I decided to bring the family to the hotel, and, of course, my son was excited. Guess what he ordered? Of course - the hamburger! And throughout the meal he enjoyed his "first love" hamburger. I don't know if there are parents who are like me - but it is a joy to watch your children truly enjoying a meal. Every bite, every chomp, is a joy!
And so, it is officially back - my son's favorite burger, back to his first love burger. And for sure we're going to keep going back there.
When you have tasted the best, you will always go back to it, and you will never be satisfied with others offered to you, because you have tasted the best.
Just like the Lord in our life.
Psalms 34:8 Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.
I wonder...have we tasted and seen that our Lord is good? More than that, in our hearts, do we know that He is the best? Nothing and no one else can take the place of God, the moment you have realized that He Himself is the best. You can try "tasting" what the world offers...but if you have truly tasted the goodness of God in your life, you will eventually go back to Him, your first love.
1 Peter 2:2-3 Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, (3) now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.
And if you have truly tasted of the goodness of God, you will crave for Him, crave for His spiritual milk, His word that nourishes and strengthens your heart. And when you crave for something you will look for it until you find it.
Just like the burger my son desired for. It had never left. And when he tasted it again, it brought joy to his heart (and stomach).
That goodness of God in our life begins with our salvation. Actually, it begins and ends with our salvation, for there is no other good that God can do that can compare with His grace saving us from our sins, from our spiritual death before God.
Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Ephesians 2:4-5 But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, (5) made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions--it is by grace you have been saved.
There may be times when we will be wooed by the world to love what it offers, or the lusts and desires of our flesh may try to reign and control us once again. But how important it is to know that this first love of ours - our Lord Jesus Christ, has never left us, and will never leave us...He will always be there. Eventually even when we try to take a bite of what the world offers, it will never satisfy. And all we have to do is go back to the gracious arms of God, everyday calling us back to His presence, protected by His grace and peace.
Check your hearts - there should be nothing and no one else who compares with your first love - God. And if you think He has left you - He hasn't. He's right there. He's calling you and drawing you to Him. Just flow back to Him, and enjoy.