Sunday, December 11, 2011

Driving Around

It was a Sunday night and our helpers were on their day off, so my family and I decided to eat out.  Our first choice was a place that served good spareribs at a very affordable price.  My wife and I were invited to eat there once, but the kids had not yet tried it, and so they were excited to give it a try.  But when we reached the area we could not find it.  So we decided to go to another place commonly known as “fake Bob’s”.  It was called that because the owner was a former cook of a well known restaurant here called “Bob’s”, and he served food that tasted a lot like his former employer, but at a more affordable price. Our kids had heard about that place and were excited to try it, but when we arrived it was closed.

“Where to next?” the kids asked.  So we all decided to have good old Chicken Inasal, the local favorite here in Bacolod.  So we drove off to a well known server of Inasal, a place called Aida’s, that had recently opened a new branch in a place near our house – so we thought.  When we arrived another restaurant was occupying the place!  Ok, so our next choice was “Mang Inasal”, a well known eatery that served “unlimited rice”.  We like eating in this place because we leave “busog”, filled, after eating a big piece of chicken leg or thigh, with as much rice as we want.  It’s the restaurant you go to when you feel like breaking your diet and gaining a little more weight.  Well, this time, upon arriving in the “mini mall” where it was, we couldn’t find a parking space.

When we finally found a parking space it was right in front of another Chicken Inasal restaurant called “Chicken Deli”, also well known, and that also served unlimited rice (they call it Kan-on all you can).  It’s as if a light switched on, and the a parking space was reserved for us!  And I said “hey, why not here?”.  And why not, because the chicken they serve is as good as any other Chicken Inasal place here.  So, we ordered, ate and went home full and satisfied.  After all the driving around, and all the seemingly “closed doors” we encountered, we finally ended up in a restaurant that was never in our minds at that time, but that ended up satisfying our appetites and filling our stomachs.  It’s as if God was leading our way to where He wanted us to eat.

Proverbs 19:21  Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.

Life can be so much like what my family and I went through.  We make our plans, “drive around” trying to fulfill them.  Many times we can’t seem to find the way, or we end up in a dead end, or with circumstances closing the doors to them.  Hindrances and missed opportunities frustrate us, sometimes causing us to panic.

But if our lives are in the hands of a Sovereign God, who not only controls our life, but has actually written down its events already in advanced, we know that every closed door, every hindrance that we experience, are just part of the highway He has prepared that will eventually lead us to His plan for us.  And even if His plan was not exactly like what we originally had in mind, yet in it we are satisfied, filled, because it is one that was planned by our loving and faithful God.  It is where He wants us to be.

Psalm 139:16  … All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

It’s nice to know that even if things do not go exactly the way we planned, or wanted them to be, we will eventually end up where our Lord wants us to be, where He will satisfy and fill us – as long, of course, as we remain fully trusting and dependent on our Sovereign and Loving God.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Good Memories

I was talking with a sister in Christ who had just come from the US and she was sharing with me the places that she visited.  She was talking about New York, and the statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, places that I had been to also way back 1978.  We were comparing notes, how it felt to be on top of what used to be the tallest building in the world (when I was there), and how it felt like it was moving, and how strong the wind was, and how small the cars in the street looked from the top.  The feeling she had brought back the awesome feeling I had when I visited the place.  Our talk brought back good memories of my visit way back when.

A few weeks before we also had a chat on facebook when she was in San Francisco, and she was sharing how beautiful it was – the weather, the streets, the cable car ride.  As we were chatting I could not help but remember the good times I had there with my cousins, riding the cable car, going down Lombard road, eating in fisherman’s wharf.  And when I was there ‘78 that was when Saturday Night Fever was showing, and I was able to watch it there.  Of course that lead to me and my cousins going to a disco, and “staying alive”!  I remember telling my friend that I literally “left my heart in San Francisco”. 

It’s great how we remember these milestones in life.  Our minds keep them stored for us to remember, to bring back to life.  And when we bring them back and talk about them again it brings joy, a smile to our face.

Of course we do have some bad memories, and they do haunt us once in a while.  But we overshadow them with the great memories, and remember that, though we did have some bad experiences in the past, yet they are balanced by the good.

How important it is for us to remember.  Even with regards to our spiritual life, our walk with God.  Many times our bad experiences, whether in the past or present, will fill our minds with worry and anxiety.  David had an experience like that, and he shares it in this psalm:

Psalm 77:1-9  I cried out to God for help; I cried out to God to hear me. 2  When I was in distress, I sought the Lord; at night I stretched out untiring hands and my soul refused to be comforted. 3  I remembered you, O God, and I groaned; I mused, and my spirit grew faint. 4  You kept my eyes from closing; I was too troubled to speak. 5  I thought about the former days, the years of long ago; 6  I remembered my songs in the night. My heart mused and my spirit inquired: 7  "Will the Lord reject forever? Will he never show his favor again? 8  Has his unfailing love vanished forever? Has his promise failed for all time? 9  Has God forgotten to be merciful? Has he in anger withheld his compassion?"

Sound familiar?  Yup, I’m sure it does.  We all have these moments when we think God isn’t listening, or isn’t moving in our life, when we feel He has left us on our own to fight the battle.  But after struggling with his feelings, look what David did:

Psalm 77:10-14  Then I thought, "To this I will appeal: the years of the right hand of the Most High." 11  I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. 12  I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds. 13  Your ways, O God, are holy. What god is so great as our God? 14  You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.

David appealed to the “years of the right hand of the Most High”.  He remembered how God had been faithful to Israel and to him.  He brought back to mind, and heart, how the Lord worked miracles for them, how great He was, and how He displayed His power among the peoples.  And this was what brought back hope.

How important it is to keep track, to keep in heart, to have great memories of God’s working in our life.  This is, of course, dependent on whether or not we have acknowledged God’s working in every experience we have had, whether good or bad.  Someone who has been trusting in himself, or in other people, will not be able to see the “years of the right hand of the Most High”.  But for those of us who have prayed, have entrusted our every experience, who have acknowledged God’s hand in every area of our life, should be able to look back and see how faithful He has been to us, how He has seen us through.  And this should give us hope.

Memories of our personal experiences remind us of what has past.  Memories of God remind us that He is here and now.  God has not changed.  Who He was in our past, is who He is today, and who He will be in our future.  Let’s keep these memories of God’s faithfulness fresh in our minds day by day.  May this give us hope.

Hebrews 13:8  Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Malachi 3:6  "I the LORD do not change.