One of my favorite moments when I’m on a local flight is when the plane has landed. The stewardess welcomes everyone to the city where we landed, and gives a few more instructions – please don’t open your cellphones, and do not unfasten your seat belt until the fasten seat belt sign has been switched off, and the plane has come to a stop. Clear as daylight. But, while the plane is still taxiing (is that a right spelling? Or word?!) to the arrival area you begin to hear cellphones ringing. And the moment the plane stops, even before the fasten seat belt sign has been switched off, people start standing up and getting their bags in the overhead bins! And I always begin to smile when that happens. What’s funny is, even in a short flight, of around 30-40 minutes, people are rushing to get out of their seat and leave the plane! It never fails, and it always brings a smile to my face. And I notice how people are looking at me, still sitting down and waiting, probably wondering what the heck I’m doing waiting for the pilot to switch off the seat belt sign! And I can just imagine the feeling of frustration of the fight stewardesses who give the instructions, and see how everyone just disobeys them.
You actually see it everywhere – people living as if there are no laws. We cross the street where we want to, jeepney drivers pick up and drop passengers where they want to. We live lawless lives – as if there is no law.
Sadly, there are many people, so called “Christians” even, who live as if God has no laws. We know we’re not supposed to lie, and yet we do. We know we’re not supposed to commit adultery, and yet we cheat on our spouses. We know we’re not supposed to covet, and yet we live for what our eyes and hearts desire.
In Psalm 40:8, David proclaimed - “I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart”. God doesn’t want us to live lawless lives, as if there were no laws and commands that He wants us to follow. He wants us desiring to do His will, and obeying them. And He has given us the grace and power to obey, through the regeneration of our hearts, and the transforming work of the Spirit through the Word of God.
Psa 95:6-8 Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker; 7 for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care. Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts…
So, when the Holy Spirit prompts your heart to obey what you have read or heard from His Word…Just do it.
James 1:22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.