Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Desiring to Obey

One of my favorite moments when I’m on a local flight is when the plane has landed.  The stewardess welcomes everyone to the city where we landed, and gives a few more instructions – please don’t open your cellphones, and do not unfasten your seat belt until the fasten seat belt sign has been switched off, and the  plane has come to a stop.  Clear as daylight.  But, while the plane is still taxiing (is that a right spelling?  Or word?!) to the arrival area you begin to hear cellphones ringing.  And the moment the plane stops, even before the fasten seat belt sign has been switched off, people start standing up and getting their bags in the overhead bins!  And I always begin to smile when that happens.  What’s funny is, even in a short flight, of around 30-40 minutes, people are rushing to get out of their seat and leave the plane!  It never fails, and it always brings a smile to my face.  And I notice how people are looking at me, still sitting down and waiting, probably wondering what the heck I’m doing waiting for the pilot to switch off the seat belt sign!  And I can just imagine the feeling of frustration of the fight stewardesses who give the instructions, and see how everyone just disobeys them.

You actually see it everywhere – people living as if there are no laws.  We cross the street where we want to, jeepney drivers pick up and drop passengers where they want to.  We live lawless lives – as if there is no law.

Sadly, there are many people, so called “Christians” even, who live as if God has no laws.  We know we’re not supposed to lie, and yet we do.  We know we’re not supposed to commit adultery, and yet we cheat on our spouses.  We know we’re not supposed to covet, and yet we live for what our eyes and hearts desire.

In Psalm 40:8, David proclaimed -  “I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart”.  God doesn’t want us to live lawless lives, as if there were no laws and commands that He wants us to follow.  He wants us desiring to do His will, and obeying them.  And He has given us the grace and power to obey, through the regeneration of our hearts, and the transforming work of the Spirit through the Word of God.

Psa 95:6-8  Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker; 7  for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care. Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts

So, when the Holy Spirit prompts your heart to obey what you have read or heard from His Word…Just do it.

James 1:22  Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Blurred faith

My usual habit every morning is to have breakfast, and then with the last gulp of water take all my vitamins, and other maintenance medicines I need for the day.  I am so used to it that most of the time I just go to the other end of the table, where all our medicines are, and just reach out for the capsule or tablet I need to drink - even if I am not using my glasses!  This morning I realized how I "blindly" just get the medicines I believe are mine and drink them.  I am so used to how the packaging looks like, or how the capsule looks like, I don't have to really use my glasses to recognize them.  Of course I am hoping that one day I do not accidentally drink the wrong medicine!  I call this "blurred faith".  It's not that I'm blind, and I can't see the medicines I'm taking - I just see it with blurry vision, and my being so used to it gives me faith that I'm taking the right one.

I immediately related it to our faith in God.  Let's admit it - none of us really know God 100%.  Paul the apostle wrote about that:
1 Cor 13:12  Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

Now, he says, we see but a poor reflection of God.  If you're wondering why his example was "as in a mirror", which usually shows a good clear reflection, we need to understand that mirrors then were not as polished and clear as ours today.  Today our concept of the things of God, and of God Himself, are poor reflections of who He actually is.  We don't see the fullness of God yet.  We know Him and His ways in part, not in full.  But one day we shall see Him face to face.  One day we shall know Him completely - in eternity.  But now, in this life, we only see a blurred reflection.

Yet, this blurred faith we have in God is all we need!  God allows us a glimpse of who He is in order that our faith in Him might increase.  And the more we learn, the more we know, the more we realize who our God is, the more our faith is strengthened.  And the more our faith is strengthened the more we desire to know of Him, about Him.

This "blurred faith" that we have allows us to reach out for Him, call on Him, and rely on Him in all circumstances of life, and it brings the result we desire - His answering our prayers and desires.

We may not know much, but what God has revealed to us in our hearts of Himself is enough to give us the "mustard seed faith" to believe and call upon Him.  That grace is all we need.

1 Pet 1:8  Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy,

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Our electricity at home was disconnected today.  What a hassle it was to spend a few hours without electricity and all the benefits that it brings with it.  We were disconnected not because we couldn’t pay the bill, but because I didn’t pay the bill on time.  My bad habit is usually to go past the due date of the bill and wait for the notice of disconnection, which usually will give around 2 to 3 days before they actually cut off the electricity.  Well, it just so happened that, for some reason, the notice of disconnection did not arrive.  And this morning, lo and behold, the Electric Company “Disconnectors” were knocking on our gate.

Again, what a hassle the discomfort of not having electricity brings!  No television, no internet connection, no electric fan or air conditioners to beat the heat!  And I was “inis” (irritated…I wonder if that’s the right English translation) at myself because anytime I could have paid the bill, and yet I decided to just follow my habit (which I now call “bad”!) of waiting, waiting for something that did not come.  And so, for a few hours, I suffered the consequence.  I am almost 100% sure that when the next bill comes I am going to pay on time!  Hahaha!  (Now I can laugh – the electricity’s back!).

This reminds me so much of how the “bad habit” of sin leads us to suffer the consequences, and how it is so important for us to be “connected” to the Lord always!

Psa 95:6  Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker; 7  for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care. Today, if you hear his voice, 8  do not harden your hearts as you did at Meribah, as you did that day at Massah in the desert, 9  where your fathers tested and tried me, though they had seen what I did. 10  For forty years I was angry with that generation; I said, "They are a people whose hearts go astray, and they have not known my ways." 11  So I declared on oath in my anger, "They shall never enter my rest."

We all have the “bad habit” of following our own evil desires, instead of listening to how the Lord wants us to be living.  When we do that we end up suffering the consequences of sin.  God doesn’t want us in that situation.  He wants us resting in Him, with Him, walking in His ways.  This is why He tells us “if we hear His voice, do not harden your hearts”.

Let us let go of those bad habits of sin, and through His strength live in His righteousness, that we may enjoy the benefits of His salvation, of His grace.  Let’s not wait for sin to “disconnect” us from the benefits of righteousness.  Instead let us keep walking with the Lord, keeping our eyes on Him always.

What aids us in this desire is worship.  As we bow down and recognize our Maker, our Shepherd, our hearts become open to hearing His voice, and are softened to obey His Word.

So, come, let us worship and bow down, listening always to the voice of our Shepherd, that we may not make the wrong decision to sin, and end up suffering the consequences.